Our Story
It all started with a little boy named Gary, who loved animals and his dog, Midge. Midge was a cute but ornery beagle who lived to be 21 years old. Midge was a wonderful family dog.
One day, when Gary was five years old, he went with his mom and Midge to the veterinarian. The veterinary hospital was Airport Road Veterinary Hospital in Michigan. The veterinarian took great care of Midge, but he also gave little Gary a tour of the veterinary hospital while he was there.
He remembers the tour and the excitement of that visit very well almost 50 years later. That was the day he decided he wanted to be a veterinarian. He never changed his mind.
Even in second grade, he began drawing pictures of his future veterinary hospital, and when he became old enough, he began working at a local veterinary office with Dr. Warren Snead in West Carrollton, Ohio. Dr. Snead was a great veterinarian and inspired him to continue his dream. If you ask Gary, he will tell you that he is the most blessed man on the planet getting to do what he loves every day.
He and his wife, Julie, chose Springboro because it was halfway between West Carrolton, where he grew up, and the Clinton Massie area, where Julie grew up. They also kind of liked the K&W ice cream shop. They did not know at the time that the “K’s” future owner would become one of their best friends.
When Springboro Veterinary Hospital first opened, they had zero clients. Julie worked nights as a registered nurse while Dr. Gary Beall worked at the veterinary hospital during the day. But local neighbors like Dick Chenault, Dr. Scott and Judy Swope, and Dick and Phyliss Harover soon welcomed them to town.
As the hospital grew, the family grew, too. Dr. Beall and his wife had two kids, Nicole and Chip.
Springboro would be their home for the next 40 years. During that time, Dr. Beall would go to the local schools and talk about veterinary medicine. He usually went to one of his kids’ classrooms.
It was during one of these visits when his son Chip decided he wanted to be a veterinarian, too. And in 2018, Dr. Chip Beall graduated from The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine and joined the practice. It is our hope he will continue the story.
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